Sunday, January 30, 2011

Random musings for the end of January

I wish you could see me as I write this! It is Sunday afternoon, it is 70 degrees out and I am sitting in the dune buggy out in the garage.  Hey, you can see me out here!

Not only am I squished in this seat with the computer pushed into my gut and trying to write, but I am having to pump the brakes every couple seconds. Pump three times. Push down. Pump three times. Push down. That is all I hear from him next to the dune buggy. My leg is tired!!

Ahhh, this is what love is. And the beauty of our relationship is that I know Chad
would do this for me in a heartbeat too.

What a week it has been.  For this Minnesotan, I am in awe.  My windows have been open for most of this week.  And it is january!!!!!!!  I still can't get over this.  It's supposed to be in the 40's this week and that is ok.  I hear it will be warm again before I know it.

 This week, as I was creating Valentine cards on my computer, I was sitting in my craft room, the windows were open and I got to listen to the birds sing and cars drive by.

Then Hannah got up from her nap and joined me!

 I wonder what she sees- the world is so different from the eyes of a child!
Today is Sunday and it is still beautiful.  V put on H's swimsuit and wanted to take her out in the sprinkler!  It wasn't warm enough for that though! 

Since I open the windows, I am always afraid that the spiders are going to find their way into the house.  So I am faithful to sweep the window sills and porch every day while they are open!  A perfect Sunday afternoon chore.  Thank you H, for helping me!

One day last week we went out for a walk to help V sell candy bars for her school fundraiser.
 We got out the wagon so H could have a ride.
Victoria got her pillow and blanket so H could be comfy!

The next princess poopsie!  :)

We stopped at a few houses but didn't find anyone home.

On our way back home, we found our neighbor outside and he bought one!  Mission accomplished!

H needed a "little help" during the last 10 minutes of our grocery shopping trip and a sucker did the trick!
Watching the movie 'Secretariat' with daddy!

H and I went for a walk yesterday.  We walked about 3 miles and I loved watching her look around at all the sights and sounds!

Enjoying our walk together!

When we got back she had fun just running around the yard!

So much to see and discover!

A beautiful sky to end the wonderful day

Big things are going to happening during the month of February on my blog!  I am going to do my own version of  "Julie and Julia"- one of my favorite movies!!!  I am going to be cooking my way through my "the best of Southern Living" cookbook!  I have picked 28 recipes that I would like to try and I will be cooking them and posting them on my blog daily.  It is a really huge undertaking and that's why I chose February to do it- it has only 28 days!!  Plus, I think I can do it for a month.  Julie took a year of cooking through Julia Childs french cookbook- I don't know if I can do something every day like that for a year!  :)

I went through many of my cookbooks- looking for the "right one" and I chose this one because of the variety of foods.  I can do main dishes, appetizers, salads, desserts, breads- whatever I choose!  Originally, I wanted to cook my way through Martha Stewarts Cupcake cookbook but what am I going to do with that many cupcakes?!?  I only have so many friends to "bless" with cupcakes and then the rest might find their way to my lips! We all know the saying- ''a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips"!   And I know my hips don't need anymore "cupcakes"!!  :)


floofie said...

Love it! It's so...princess poopsie. My goodness, Hannah looks (and acts) just like her mama...she IS a princess poopsie in the making.
I can't WAIT to visit...let's pick a date so I can count down the days...
Luff you!