Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dinner and a playdate!

What a blessed day filled with little blessings and big blessings! :)

It started out with Hannah sleeping all through the night.  Woo hoo!!  For the most part she does but there are some nights where she wakes up and in my sleeping stupor I just bring her to bed with us.  That means I do not sleep very well because I only have enough room to sleep on my side and she kicks with a fury when the covers are over her legs!  She likes to be ON TOP of the covers.  :) 

Then H and I dropped V off at school and made a quick run to Wal-Mart, all the while enjoying the 45 degree weather complete with a warm breeze.  Ahhhh, this is what winter should always be like!!  Then we came home, had breakfast, watched the Today Show and I made myself some delicious GF scones.  Mmmm, they were soooo good!  During my baking, H was unusually quiet and occupied so I went in search of her and found her by the trail she left! 

I first looked in the dining room and found the spoons.  Then I went in the family room where I found the crayons and polly pockets ALL over the floor!  She is a busy girl who keeps me busy and laughing. 

Oh, and her new favorite thing is climbing on top of the table.  What's up with this girl???

Around lunch time we went to Panera to meet a friend and had a wonderful time!  And H was a busy busy girl there too. Sigh.  We had to leave a little early because it was past her nap time.  She fell asleep when we were almost home so I put her right in her bed and she never woke up!  Love it!  I knew she wasn't going to wake up in time to get V from school because she went to bed late so I called a friend and had them bring V home.    I was soooo thankful for their help- thanks Jim and Alyssa!  I really really appreciated it!  And H didn't wake until 4:30 pm- she had a 3 1/2 hour nap, something that is unheard of for her!!

While she was sleeping I took advantage of that time and spent some time with V.  We had a snack together and laughed a lot.  I am so blessed to have her as my daughter.  She is so kind, thoughtful, fun, smart and beautiful!!!  Thank You Lord!

I have to add talented to that list too!  Ok, her snack isn't the healthiest but she had fun trying to catch cheese balls in her mouth!  FYI- my snack was quite a bit healthier and the important thing here was the time we spent together.  :)

While I was making dinner the girls were playing in V's room.  It was sooo precious watching them because it was the first time they played together with V's toys and they looked like they were having fun.  Ohhh, my heart just melted and of course I had to take some pictures.

This was view from my kitchen.  Please tell me this is how it's always going to be.  Don't ruin it for me!! :)

Would you like a delicious and simple idea for dinner??  I got this from my mom and my family absolutely LOVES it!!  I wished I knew where she got this idea from.  It is a twist on the chicken ceasar salad- make a chicken ceasar salad but add cooked pasta to it.  Wow, you are saying!  I know, I can just hear you now!!  So simple but so YUMMY. 
All you need is romaine lettuce, chicken, shredded parmasean cheese, ceasar salad dressing and pasta.  I used spiral pasta last night but my mom has used spaghetti in the past.  When she made it I honestly thought she forgot she was making it for the salad.  Spaghetti noodles and salad??  But let me tell you, it was soooo good!  So, I think it's safe to say any kind will work.



floofie said...

Funny, Evie napped 3 1/2 hours yesterdy too...1-4:30.