Friday, January 7, 2011

A new year!

As many others, I am keeping the tradition by making new years resolutions.  Only I like to call them new years goals.  That way, I feel that I can start small and continue to meet my goals throughout the year.  Probably makes no sense but at least it makes me feel better!! 

This year I had many new years goals and a major one was my schedule.  I bought a dry erase board, mounted it on my kitchen wall and wrote out my new daily schedule.  It is all the things I do in a day normally, plus a few I felt needed to be added.  So far, all week, I have stuck to it and am extremely proud of myself!!

One new thing on my schedule is a daily craft time with H.  I have discovered this week that she LOVES our craft time and many times throughout the day I find her in the drawer where all the craft things are stored.  And this child loves to paint!!  She is always taking the paints out and bringing them to me.  Who knows, I might be helping her discover a God given talent- art!! As for the meantime, I am loving this daily time with her and encouraging her to do so many new things!!  A+ for that!  :)

On the first day, Monday Jan. 3, she painted and she LOVED it!!!!

I think she's pretty pleased, what do you think?? 
When daddy and V came home later that day, she was soo excited to show them what she did. 

On day 2, she glued tissue paper, glitter and feathers on her paper and created a masterpiece!

Day 3 was painting and making a marshmallow cloud!  After glueing the first few marshmallows, she discovered what they were.  So she stuck a few on her tray, waited until I was distracted and stuffed them in her mouth!  She knew exactly what she was doing and thought she was quite clever.  Love that girl!!  :)

A beautiful picture of a cloud, green grass, blue sky and a brown house!

Day 4 was a totally new thing- edible finger paint!  We used chocolate pudding and I have to say this was on the top of her list of favorites.  :)

I found a "healthy" chocolate pudding.

Put a little spoonful on her tray and had to show her what to do.

She got into it right away and had a blast!!

The best part was when she discovered she could eat it and it was ok!!

Mmm, so much fun!!  But I am a little afraid to give her real finger paints- will have to be extra careful she doesn't put her fingers in her mouth then!

At the end, she clapped her hands together and pudding flew everywhere!! 


Anonymous said...

Nice to see you are back blogging, and that we can leave comments!

sarey said...

mmmmmmmm...marshmallow clouds!