Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Random pics

As I looked back over the past week, I saw some fun pics I thought I would share with you.  I am always putting them on FB so I decided to do it a little different this time!  Also, I am in the middle of baking brownies (they are in the oven) so as soon as I am done with them, I will post my first cooking blog of 2011!

Here are a few pictures of Hannah- she is my precious baby who isn't a baby anymore!  sob sob

V put a little ponytail in her hair!  Aren't big sisters awesome?!?
What child doesn't love to empty the kitchen cupboards?

Hannah is following in her big sister's footsteps- learning to use a screwdriver at a young age and loving it!

Helping daddy take down the garland- I think she just likes to be on top of the ladder.  :)

All dressed up and nowhere to go!

Taking a picture break after jumping on the bubble wrap.  Victoria taught her how to pop them!

Now a few pics of my beautiful and precious oldest daughter, V!!

Her class went roller skating one day and she won 2 races!!! (that's her in front- red shirt and blue skirt.) Way to go!

 She teaches her little sister many good things and sometimes not so good things!  This time it's how to eat Rheddi Whip from the can without using your fingers.  :)

I guess I will just call it some good sisterly bonding. 
Love you girls!!!!!  You make me a very proud mommy!