Sunday, October 30, 2011

Soccer and sisters

This weekend we have had the privilege of watching V play in a soccer tournament- her first season in soccer!!  Her team played two games yesterday and one this morning.  Their season was a good one- she learned a lot over the past couple months and she enjoyed making new friends.  They didn't win all their games but they played well and got to end the season on a happy note-they won their last game of the tournament!!  I am so very proud of her- how she tries new things and how she works hard.

There she is in the red!  I am so
incredibly proud of this girl!!!

V and Coach Ty

My favorite soccer player of all time!

And she always took the time to
kick the ball around with H who
LOVES to play soccer too!  :)

And while we watched V play, I had the joy of keeping H entertained and most of the time that wasn't a problem.

She would take off her shoes....

climb trees.....

or just lay around!

Watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on my
phone got her through many practices and games!

Of course drinking sister's water was
high on the priority list also...

as was kicking the ball around to practice
for when she starts her soccer career too. 

Other days she would try and pull
daddy's string out of his sweatshirt....

or make funny faces.  :)

We musn't forget to give credit to the
most amazing soccer "mom" this year-Chad!!
He took her to games/practices when I
couldn't make it, carried the chairs for us
and kept up on the soccer info. 
Love you honey!

I am so incredibly proud of my V!!  Great job on soccer this year precious girl and we look forward to the many adventures you are going to take our family on. 
Love you V!

And so does your little sister.