Sunday, October 23, 2011

Random October happenings

I am incredibly blessed.  Blessed with a wonderful husband and 2 beautiful healthy girls.  This past week I had the opportunity to bake with my V for a school project.  She is doing a marketing project in class and they had to make their "goods" and sell them at the school carnival friday night. 
We made them wednesday night, she brought them to school the next day and friday during her lunch period/recess we packaged them to be sold later that night. 
I found this idea from Pinterest through a friend whom I "follow".  If you know anything about Pinterest, you will know exactly what that means!  :)  If you don't, I encourage you to check it out but watch out- it's addicting!!

Wednesday night

Notice- V is in her robe while we made
the cupcakes.  That is because it was one of
those "opportunities" where your child comes
to you at 8:30 pm when they are on their way
to bed and say in a panic, "mom, I am supposed
to bring my cupcakes to school tomorrow!  What
should I do?"  That is when you are very glad
you have (almost) all the ingredients on hand!!

And then you look at that beautiful smile
and have a "hard" time being mad....
for very long!!  ha!

Aren't they just the cutest things you ever did see!?!

Look at those eyes! 

Friday morning 
And here we are friday at school helping her package
them to be sold at the fall carnival. That was
because V says on the way to school (that morning!)
that she needs something to package them in something
so they can be bought and taken home.
So, since  that's what moms are for I am such a good
mom (hahaha) I ran to the store later that morning
and picked up some clear bags.  Then we spent an
hour (her hour of lunch/recess) packaging them.

Wish I had a ribbon or something to put on them
to decorate them, but oh well, they are
cute anyway!

H sure enjoyed eating part of V's lunch!

Let me tell you, this girl is Amazing!!!!
I am so proud to be your mom,
precious girl!!

Saturday morning
Friday night V went off to a retreat
for church and was gone all weekend.
So it was just the 3 of us! 
Saturday morning, we got up early, hit
a few garage sales, had breakfast at
IHOP and spent an hour at the park.
I think H was enjoying having daddy
all to herself!

This girl LOVES to swing.
And she pretty much has no fear as
to how high she goes.

I, on the other hand, do have that fear
for her and wish she did too!

Crazy girl!!

Her other favorite thing is the slide!!
"Race you daddy!"

"daddy, you're too slow!"

Just so you know I was there too ,
I had Chad take a picture!  hee hee

I LOVE this picture!!!!

  The great man is he who does not
lose his child's heart
- Mencius