Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween fun!

Tonight we went to our church's Fall Fest and then went back home to do some trick or treating.  All in all, it was a fun night but H had a few meltdowns that resulted in me having a "meltdown".  But all that aside, we were blessed to share the time together as a family and made some new wonderful memories that we will remember forever!

H is getting the bags all ready for
loading up with candy!

Getting her shoes on and ready
to go to the church fall fest!

We had a great turnout!! 
It was so fun to see so many people.

V pretty much left us as soon as we
got there and hung out with friends and
worked a few booths.  She said
she had a great time!!  :)

H wanted to go in the jumpy house so
bad and bless her heart, she tried to
go in there.... 3 times!  Each time she
would get to the entrance and stand there,
turn around and look at me like I was supposed
to go in there too.  Then I would take her back down
and she would scream and cry.  Thus was the
beginning of the meltdowns!  Throw in me
trying to put her coat on when she didn't want it on,
plus she had a cold and it was cold out!  Arrrgh. 

She did enjoy some happier times with daddy
eating candy and.....

being held by her sister.  V can
pretty much always calm her down!

Oh, how I laugh when I think of how this pic turned
out with just V.  I wanted a pic of the girls but H wouldn't
go near the bench to sit down but instead hung out on
the left side of V. When we tried to get her next to V,
she screamed and cried.  V probably wanted to too!

Daddy saved the day!

Then we came home and went trick or treating in our neighborhood!

At first we walked to the houses,
but Chad really wanted to drive the dune buggy
around so that's what we did!!  The girls
had an absolutely great time!!

H loved going up to the houses
and asking for candy!

Each time we would leave a house and get
in the dune buggy, she would immediately
say, "more houses!"  She was too funny!
She took her job of "collecting candy" verrrry seriously!  :)

Back at the homefront:

V took it upon herself to make 3 piles of candy,
one for Chad, one for H and one for herself.
I was kind of wondering to myself how she
divided it up!  She certainly had the advantage of
picking her fav's and putting it in her pile.  :)

Then H had fun "moving around" the piles and making
V just a wee bit upset!  But she wanted to organize it too!  :)

Well, there ya have it in a nutshell!
Hope you enjoyed your halloween too.  :)