Monday, October 10, 2011

Fall family update!

Yesterday I went to Michaels to find some fall deco for our house.  Last year, I went to Hobby Lobby and bought some but I put that all up in September and there were still some areas in our house where it just needed a little "fall".  You know, some of those beautiful fall colors- reds, oranges, greens and yellows.  And my trip to Michaels did just that!  Actually, I went there by myself during the day and after dropping V off at church that evening, H and I went to Wal Mart where we finished off buying what I needed.  Once I start a project, I am obsessed with it and that's all I think about until it's done so it was really nice to finish it up the same day I started!  Oh, there's still lots more I would like to buy but my precious husband gave me a budget for fall deco and I must say, in my 2 trips to the stores, I used it all up! 

I really want to show you what I bought and how I decorated so you can be as excited as me!  haha
Here is one piece I bought:

It doesn't look as pretty in the pic as
it does in person but when tied with
the rest of the mantle, it looks really good!

Here is another one I bought.
I love the different color pumpkins
this piece has!  Metallics are really
in this year (as is white pumpkins)
and it really adds a good punch of color!

 I also bought a few random punpkins and the
fall garland which looks so pretty!
Here it is all finished.  You just have to trust me on this
one, it looks MUCH better in person.  Still,
all in all, it turned out really beautiful!

I still needed something for the top of the piano so
this is what I bought:
I am especially proud of this creation- I am not very
good at buying different pieces and putting
something together, but my mom did this on her
coffee table and I loved the look.  So, I tried
to recreate it and I really like it!

Here is my new fall look for my otherwise
boring looking front porch!  I bought
3 mums, the scarecrow and the 2 small
pumpkins.  The Give Thanks sign on the door
was something I had from last year.
And no, H is not a permanent part of the deco!! :)

She must be trying to look just like the scarecrow!
This is so funny- I walked the dog last night
and I couldn't get him up on the porch to come
in the house for anything!!  He was
petrified of the scarecrow.  Too funny!!

Now onto some random October pics:

I was trying to make dinner one night and
she decided to camp out in the kitchen! 
And bring her deck of cards, a box of books
and the dog.  Ahh, gotta love it!

Her new thing lately, is putting baggies
on her hands (for no apparent reason).
Then she proceeds to carry on as normal
with whatever she is doing.  Silly girl!

And finally, a pic of my precious and
beautiful girls.  Oh and yes, the dog too.  :)\

Thanks for taking the time to check out my new
deco and catch up on my girls!!

Happy Fall!!