Saturday, October 16, 2010

Finally it's here!

If you read my last post from Feb. of this year I was inspired by one of my favorite movies of all time "Julie and Julia"!  I was going to bake my way through a cookbook (which I had purchased for that exact reason) and blog about it.  I was so excited (which I am about many things in life)!
Back up just 2 weeks earlier when my dear darling husband was asked to interview for a job down in Arkansas.  It was a dream come true for me (I could FINALLY move down to my beloved South).  So while I was coming up with this grandios idea and had every intent on following through, fast forward 2 weeks later and my husband went down for the interview.  He went down on a Thursday, interviewed Friday and came back Saturday.  On Monday morning, they called and said he had the job! 
So, from that moment on, for the next 3 months my/our life was a whirlwind of 2  househunting trips, movers, packing, last minute dr. appts, visits with dear family and friends, moving to an apartment for a month and finishing up life as we knew it in MN!  Then we moved down to Arkansas and I spent the summer unpacking, getting situated to a new state/culture, making sure our new house turned into a cozy and comfortable home for my family, helping Victoria adjust to life down here, make new friends and start a new school!  But, thankfully, we serve a God who had all that ready and planned out so I just had to ask Him daily for wisdom, strength and help and He sustained me every step of the way!  Throw in a trip back home to MN for 2 1/2 weeks and searching for a new home church and that pretty much describes the past 8 months!
So, now I ask myself, why didn't I get my "Julie and Julia" dream off the ground???  Hmm, I just don't know!! 
Which brings me to today, October 16!  I finally have my blog ready to go and now I just have to figure out how to post pics, etc.  So, I sit here typing with my dream finally coming true.  Watch out Julie and Julia- here comes Princess Poopsie!!