Yesterday we got home from our 2 week vacation and what a fun time it was! My sister, mom and I had a great time together and made many new memories we can tuck away to get us through until we see each other in a month for my brother Kyle's wedding! I can't believe my "little" brother is getting married!! But I am so glad for him- his fiance Jill is so sweet and we are very happy to welcome her to our family!
There's something new and refreshing in your thoughts as you are on vacation. I think you forget about all the stresses of "normal life" you had back at home. Then you get home, wake up the next morning and BAM, it hits you full force as you swing your legs over the side of the bed and think of all that you have to do. And then as you walk through the house and look at all the unpacked bags you are immediately stressed to the max!! At least that's what happened to me! My to do list in my "vacation mind" consisted of setting up my craft/hobby room, sewing, taking the girls to the zoo, finish getting a few things for V as she starts school this friday. You know, all the fun stuff! My to do list in "normal life" mind consists of changing diapers, cleaning the house, unpacking all the suitcases, going grocery shopping because you've been gone for 2 weeks and there's nothing to eat, piles of laundry, your nightly walks with the dog, etc. You know, all the "not real fun stuff". Necessary stuff.
So, as the pressures of life settled heavily on my shoulders this morning, in the midst of letting the dog out and finding something for H to eat, I decided I NEEDED to start the day out right then and there with The Lord. I needed His strength to start the day and then get through it!!
So I kneeled down next to H and just prayed. Then she laid down under me and said "hi" in her precious tiny voice. What joy filled my heart as I was filled with God's promise- "nothing is impossible with God." - Luke 1:37. A thought quickly went through my head- my hearts desire for another child and after 6 years, God made that possible. How could I think God wouldn't fill my day with His joy? So I finished praying, got my Bible and a devotional and spent some time with my God. I knew He would fill my heart with exactly what I needed.
I have Barbara Johnson's devotion 'Daily Splashes of Joy' and opened it up to August 9. The verse for today was Colossians 4:2 "Continue praying, keeping alert and always thanking God" Barbara talked about a speaking engagement she had and how she was stressed all the way up to the podium and as she talked. But at the end someone said to her "Barb, you seem so relaxed and happy, as though you have no stress in your life at all!" I thought to myself, "how did she do that?" Then I reread the verses and realized I need to do exactly what the Word said - "continue praying, keeping alert and always thanking God thoughout my day!"
Then I turned to January 1, thinking new year = new week/new day of no vacation and this is what she said:
"There's something so satisfying about beginning a new month. I just love r-r-ripping that old page off my calendar and starting over on a fresh, new month with all those clean, unblemished squares- unspoiled days just waiting to be enjoyed." The next paragraph is what I really grabbed ahold of and said "a-ha!" She says "But the most important thing I do is resolve (again) to heed the apostle Paul's advice: 'Forgetting all the pain and failures of the past, I strain toward what is ahead- heaven!- and put the future in God's hands'." Wow. Thank you Barbara and thank You God!!
I came home and all the stresses of 'before vacation life' came rushing back. This reminded me to let it go! Look forward to what is ahead! Go in God's strength and hope. He will carry me through AND give me joy for the journey!
The present is what slips by us while we're pondering the past and worrying about the future.
Candyland Bud Breakdown & Deets
1 week ago
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