Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

I will never forget Thanksgiving 2010- it was a memorable one for sure!  We had a great week back in Minnesota with family and friends but the visiting was cut waaaay short because of the flu.  Over the course of the week everyone got it except V (who had it before we left) and my dad.  Sadly, many of the friends we were going to visit never saw us.  And I didn't get to visit with my sister and neice as much either but it did make me extremely grateful for the few days we were healthy!
On a different note, I am very thankful that I live in a state where there is no snow!!  I thought it would be hard to decorate for Christmas without snow but so far- I am loving it!  Maybe because I had my "snow fix" while we were up north.  :)  It is much easier to get around down here and it is fun to go outside in December in a sweater and no coat, mittens, hat and boots!  Something rare in Minnesota!

All kidding aside, I wanted to share with you my Thanksgiving day.

My beautiful daughter and sister

Sara and precious Evie

Andy and V waiting for the food to be done!  :)

The most amazing and beautiful sister anyone could ever ask for!!!

My brother Brad hard at work carving the turkey.  Good job Brad!

My mom is the bread baker in the family and normally she makes it for our dinners.  This year she let me and I made my delicious honey glazed rolls.  They were sooo good!  And she made this delicious salad!

Our Thanksgiving dinner.  Mmm- I'm hungry right now just looking at it!  Twice baked potatoes, salad, rolls, turkey and gravy, sweet potatoes and cornbread dressing.

And what Thanksgiving meal isn't complete with mom's homemade apple and pumpkin pies??!!

I hope you enjoyed a peek into my Thanksgiving and that you all had a wonderful and blessed one too!