Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day

Our valentines day wasn't at all what I had hoped it would be.  But at the end of the day, I knew we had spent time together just being a family and that in itself, is a blessing that I will cherish forever.  Chad had an all day work meeting at our house, so my "job" was to make and serve them all lunch.  And I loved it!!  I made chicken ceasar pasta salad, garlic toast and strawberry pretzel salad.  And for dessert I made brownie cupcakes and lemon pound cake.  It was so fun to have a large group of people at our house all day, set the table all fancy and serve them lunch!  It was almost as good as having a party!!  Only it wasn't "my guests" I chose, it was my husbands co-workers but I didn't care- I just loved it all! 
Then I put H down for a nap, read my nook for a while and then ran off to V's school valentine party... all by myself!  (Chad was still home to watch H while she napped- yet another perk of having Chad's meeting at our house!)  Then, on our way home we had to stop and buy milk and since it's just a little grocery store I park near the front and let V run in by herself.  Sometimes she likes to buy me a treat and surprise me and yesterday was no exception!  She bought me a pink rose for Valentine's day.  Sweet girl!!!  After that we came home, got H up from her nap and the 3 of us hung out waiting for Chad to be done.  After a dinner of leftovers (sad to say but I had just made a big lunch!!), we watched the movie "The Help" that V bought me for Christmas.  What a wonderful Valentines Day we had together!
Here is V and Chad making her Valentine box for her school party.  This year they are making an Ipad!

Here she is gluing on the "apps"- conversation
candy hearts!  Chad thought of that... brilliant!

Isn't that just the cutest valentine box ever?!?

This is the back of the Ipad!

I thought it would be so fun to show pics of
the last time they made her valentine box...
in 3rd grade and they made Wall-E!!

Hmm, I wonder who is doing most of the work here!

Isn't that just the cutest thing ever?!?!?

And here they are with the finished product
in 6th grade! 

I'd say it looks pretty much like the real one!!

Valentine's Day morning getting ready to go
to school.  Notice the posters on the back wall?
That's where Chad and his co-workers spent the day!

And here is my other little Valentine
watching Mickey Mouse who refused to look at me!

Here is V at her school party checking
through her valentines!!

After V and I got home from school, our wonderful
neighbor brought over treats for the girls.

"Hmmm, I wonder what this is!"

H is opening up the little valentine treats we bought her.

Mickey mouse and stickers....
the way to this girl's heart!

Now it is V's turn to open her valentine
treats and has her sister to help her!

Be still my beating heart.

I am so thankful for my family-  my 3 valentines!!

I hope you had a blessed and love filled Valentine's Day!!