Thursday, February 23, 2012

a blessed week

Many times this week I have thought about writing a post and then before I know it, the day is gone and I never did it.  So, I'm just going to recap the week in a few pics. 
We enjoyed some very beautiful days and spent the afternoons outside after V got home from school.

H enjoyed running in the water while V sprayed  her.

V enjoyed getting wet too!

We enjoyed a little painting too!

Wednesdays you will find us at library storytime
where we sing, listen to stories and make crafts.
H loves it!!

Her favorite thing- stickers!!

Today I had an eye dr. appt and
my precious H sat and did her sticker book!
She is so good for me at dr appts, thankfully!

And we ended this wonderful day with a movie night
with V's friend.  We spent the whole afternoon outside
(it hit 80 degrees!!!), enjoyed a delicious dinner of shrimp
scampi and ran to wal-mart for our free redbox.  Fun fun!!!

And now I am off to enjoy the movie with the girls.
Nighty night!