Sunday, May 22, 2011

Birthday weekend!

Happy birthday to me!!  This past week I was going to blog everyday my favorite foods and I can't for the life of me figure out why I think and say I am going to do that!  I can barely find enough time to blog once a week, let alone every day!  So, of course, I baked my favorite foods but never blogged them.  Sorry to all of you who were sitting on the edge of your seat waiting!  hee hee

So, aside from that I wanted to share with you my birthday weekend.  What a fun-filled blessed one it has been!

I started out the weekend by running a 5K with a group of
friends.  Our team name was "When Pigs Fly".  I'd
like to say we "flew" but don't think I will go as far
to say we were "pigs!" :) What a fun time we had!!

This is my second 5K this year and I LOVE them! 
I suppose I should set my sights on something
a little more "challenging" but for now
I am content.  Maybe next year I will try
a half marathon!!  Who knows?!?

This is me before the race started.
Notice how "white and fresh" I look.  In all the pics
after the race I am "red and not fresh" looking!  haha

This is my cheering section!!

I LOVE this picture!!  What encouragement
they are to me as I am running and ready to collapse!

Ok, here I am after the race!  My official time
was 32.04- Almost  6 minutes faster then
my last run a couple of months ago!!!

Carrie and I
She and I ran the race together and is also
one of the girls I run with at 5 am!!

Linda, H and I
Linda was the one who organized our
team and it was her birthday too! 
Great job Linda and happy birthday!!!

After the race, we went home and I got ready
to go out for brunch and a shopping trip
with my friends!!  What a fun day!!!

During our shopping, we stopped in a store
that sold massage chairs.  As you can see,
I am really enjoying my massage... in a $3500 chair!!
Now, there's a good birthday present idea.
Chad, are you reading this?!?!?

Just what I needed after my 5k!
A good massage!!
So, that was my saturday.  The first day to my birthday celebration weekend!!

Sunday morning started out perfectly with the sound of light rain falling outside, Chad saying "happy birthday" and H calling my name from her bed.  "mommy, mommy!"  After I got up, V went in the kitchen and made me my birthday breakfast.  I felt so loved and blessed and couldn't think of a more perfect way to start out my birthday!
Chad told me at 8:15 he was leaving for church at 8:30
because our SS teacher, Robert, asked him to start the class
since he was going to be 15 minutes late.  I said ok
and Chad asked me to be there to write down prayer
requests.  Funny he should ask that of me (because when
I am coming with just H I am always late). I walked in
and everyone was sitting there watching me walk in-
Robert said happy birthday and I realized what Chad really did! 
My dear hubby and daughter had been at the store
picking up my cupcake cake (not starting SS class)!!
What a wonderful surprise- thank you Chad and V!!!

They even got me a balloon.  Aww!! :)

This is after I just walked in and I was so
shocked, embarrassed and surprised!!

What a delicious cupcake cake it was!!
V walked around and handed the cupcakes
out to everyone.  I am soo blessed!!
After church, Chad surprised me again and took us out to Olive Garden!!

We had a wonderful, fun and delicious birthday lunch!
Thank you Chad, V and H for all the wonderful
surprises I had today!!  I truly had a happy happy birthday.


floofie said...

Could that cake have been any more perfect??? Great job, Chad:)