Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Welcome to our family Leo!!

A week ago friday, we adopted our little Leo from our local animal shelter and I wanted to share him with you!  He is a little cutie but at first he was a stinker!  The first two days, he was real good and never went potty in our house.  Oh, but that changed after that!! 
Monday and tuesday mornings we woke up to wet spots on the floor and monday afternoon and tuesday morning he decided to poop in the house!  Oh My Word.  I do not do pee and poop in my house.  I was so grossed out!!!  I started to rethink my decision about this dog but then I looked at it as a challenge.  I was going to teach this dog to go outside if it was the last thing I did! 
I decided there was 2 things I needed to purchase- a kennel and a stake/leash for our backyard.  I found a kennel on craigslist for a really good price (thank You Lord!!) and I went to Petco and bought a leash for our backyard (which is not competely fenced in).  I put him in the kennel at night and while we are gone and he stopped going in the house!
 And I used to take him in the backyard to do "his business" and I would stand there with him but he WOULD NOT go.  He would only go on our walks.  Since I bought the leash for the backyard- he goes all the time now!
So, for the past week, we have really enjoyed little Leo now that we got him "straightened out".  :)  And it didn't take as long as I anticipated!! 

The day H and I adopted him we stopped at V's school on the way home
and it happened to be her lunchtime. So, she got to see him and "show him off" to her friends!!

This is right after we got  home and he just walked around and sniffed everything. I was asking myself "what am I doing with a dog?!?"  I am a cat person but I really wanted the girls to grow up with a dog!  I can't say Chad was thinking the same thing I was but he let me get Leo because mainly I am the one who takes care of him! Thanks honey!!!  :)

The next day was Saturday so we all went to Petco and bought him a few things! 

Here he is after his shopping trip with a new bed and toys!

I think he knows he is loved!  :)

His new bed- no dog owner should be without one of these.  I discovered that the hard way!! 

It's also my new "time out spot" for the kids!  :)

This is the other thing that kept me sane- his leash for the backyard!  I love looking
 at him from the porch knowing he is enjoying running around the yard.

I think Leo wants his bed back!

H was sick with a fever and Leo had to let her know he cared!

Bath time!!

He did so good through the whole bath until he was being dried off.  Right after this picture he took
off and we chased him through the house.  It was so funny!!!

V caught him on the couch!

We sure love our little Leo.  I love watching H hug and kiss him, V running around with him and taking 
such good care of him and I love how I am "forced" to take walks daily with him!   He sure is a
great little addition to our family!