Saturday, March 3, 2012

A trip to the Capitol

Yesterday H and I enjoyed a trip to the State Capitol with V's 6th grade class.  They were there to have their 6th grade graduation pictures taken.  Oh. My. Word.  My "baby" is almost done with 6th grade!!!  Where has the time gone?!?!?
Want to take a trip back in time with me??  Let's go!

Here she is at her
kindergarden graduation!

I was/am one proud momma!!!

Graduating from Kindergarten!

And here she is 7 years later almost
done with 6th grade....

Be still my beating heart.....
she is all grown up.  Next time I blink
she will be graduating from high school and
college and the next blink she will be getting
married!!  Where does the time go?!?!?

All I know is that I'm incredibly,
incredibly blessed.  More than I could
ever ask or wish for.
Thank You God!!!

We were able to sit in while the House was
in session.  H called her seat an airplane seat!

This was the section we sat in while we watched and listened.

Here is all the legislators before it started, just walking
around and talking.  Pretty cool!

After a prayer, the pledge of allegience and some
introductions to the guests there (us included!)
they finally started. And to begin, they say
"play ball!"

Let's not forget this...
"In GOD we trust!"

It's a beautiful building inside and out
and I was amazed at the amount of
marble there is everywhere!

Here we are outside the doors at the top of the steps
before we went in.  I told H I was going to
take her picture and this is how she posed for me.  :)

Can you find H sitting on the steps?!?

It was a pretty awesome thing to take the girls there.
I am so glad we took the time to go!

And here was V and her friends before they went back to school.
I'm sure they will remember this for a long time!!

Love you sweet girl and I am SO proud of you!!!