Saturday, December 17, 2011

Gingerbread houses!

This morning we went to our library to make gingerbread houses and meet Santa.  Our precious H doesn't have a very good record of meeting Santa and sitting on his lap.  Last year this is what she did:

Check out that face!

And the year before:
Ooops, surprise!
I couldn't find the pic of her with Santa and
I am so bummed!!!  So I thought I would
include this pic of her and V before they met him.
Note the somewhat happy face.  After was not such a happy face!

And here we are in 2011- she would only
go near him if I was holding her.  That's
ok- at least she let me get a picture
of her and V with Santa!  And notice
she is smiling- because I am holding her.  :)

Here he is asking her what she wants for Christmas.
And of course, she is sucking her thumb and not replying.
Oh well, at least we got a pic!

I was so excited for the girls to go to
this event at the library.  I will have to
let you all in on my "secret".  I bought
a gingerbread house kit, oh let's say, about
4 years ago. I had great intentions of us
making it as a family. And every year it went
back in the Christmas totes, unmade, with high hopes
of making it the next year.  And so after 3 years of
doing this, I figured that the candy/icing probably
wasn't very good anymore and I threw it out
last year!  So, when I saw the library was doing this,
you better believe I jumped at the chance to do this!  :)
I can't believe I just told you that. 

Anyhoo, all that aside.... we FINALLY made
gingerbread houses as a "family!"  :)  At the library!

At first, we were all helping H make her house. 
Then I think the creative bug bit V and she wanted
her own to decorate!  :)

I just love watching her decorate her house!

Go V!!

Voila!!  The finished product...
a gingerbread house with 2 gummy bears sitting
on marshmallow stools warming themselves
beside a warm fire in the fireplace.  :)
You can see all that can't you!?!

Now for the update on Hannah's house:
While V was taking her sweet precous time
creating her beautiful house.....
H decided to "deconstruct" the house she just made!

Note how many walls are gone and the candy back in the
cups from whence they came!

Oh yes, we musn't forget all the gumdrops
that ended up in her mouth too!  :)

I'd say that was a very fun and memorable gingerbread
making morning!  Complete with a little visit with santa!! 

Hope you are having a blessed Christmas season as well!